Using telnet
The telnet application is a handy means of testing SMTP relay server connectivity and your user authentication.
To get started –
1. Ensure telnet is installed/enabled on your PC (assuming you’re using Windows).
2. Get the Base64 encoded values of your username and password (
3. Have a TO and FROM address ready to go
You can use the following ports: 25, 587, 2525, and for secure sending, 465. From a command prompt (using port 2525 as an example), enter the command below, and a new page will appear where you will enter your encoded login, password, FROM address, TO address, a subject line as shown or use your own wording for the subject, enter some text like “hello,” hit the enter key to generate a blank line, and end the message/connection by entering a single period/enter.
telnet 2525
220 ESMTP Welcome to the JangoSMTP trackable email relay system. ehlo Hello [], Haraka is at your service. 250-PIPELINING 250-8BITMIME 250-SIZE 31457280 250-STARTTLS 250 AUTH PLAIN LOGIN auth login 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 enter your Base64 encoded username 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 enter your Base64 encoded password 235 Authentication successful mail from:enter your valid FROM address 250 senderOK rcpt to:enter here 250 recipient OK data 354 go ahead, make my day subject:testing express-relay hello . 250 Message Queued (4FEFB870-379A-45ED-A76C-B474AB3F6E71.1) quit 221 closing connection. Have a jolly good day.