Sending with Dedicated IPs

Did you know JangoMail offers a way to guarantee that only your traffic will go out on a single IP (or group of IPs, depending on your volume)?

One of JangoMail’s way to better serve our clients is to offer dedicated IPs for your sending. Only your traffic will go out on a dedicated sending IP, and allows you to exercise direct control over your sending reputation.

Typically, when you start with JangoMail, you may be placed into a shared sending group that shares IPs and traffic among several different clients. While this can help with your sending reputation if you are new to sending, it does have a drawback in that delivery issues may be harder to pin down. Someone with riskier (i.e., more spam-like) sending can impact the reputation of the IPs in that shared sending group. Dedicated IPs avoid that issue since it is only your messaging going out on an IP. 

JangoMail offers dedicated IPs for $50 per month per IP. Contact our sales team to discuss in more detail.

Benefits of using dedicated IPs

  • Exclusivity
    • Any and all sending that will occur on that IP / sender will only be from your account.
  • No backlog
    • While JangoMail makes every effort to not have any backlogs or delays in sending, it will happen from time to time in a shared group.
    • With a dedicated IP the only traffic on the IP / sender will be from your account, thus limiting or eliminating any backlog or delays in delivery.
  • Ease of setup and flexibility
    • JangoMail uses a default / generic SPF record for all senders that includes all of our sending IPs. It is a quick edit of your domain’s DNS records to add or edit an SPF record.
    • If you already have other includes listed in your SPF record, you may run into a “too many lookups” error. Using a custom SPF record we provide can eliminate that problem.
    • If we need to change out your IP(s) due to server maintenance, there is nothing you need to do.

Potential downside

  • Poor sending practices can damage your IP’s sending reputation
    • Just as it is a positive, it can also be a negative. If you have poor sending practices, the issue will stand out rather quickly. Contact Support so we can help improve your deliverability.
  • Server/network issues
    • Although fairly rare, a server can go down, or a vendor can have network/internet connection issues. Using our main SPF record (and even with a custom SPF record) allows us to swap out your sending IP. We highly recommend using an “include” versus hard coding one or more IP addresses inside of your domain’s SPF record.