Google Sheets

Bring your own list(s) by using Google Sheets as your email list for campaigns in JangoMail!

Add a Google Sheets spreadsheet to your account under Lists > Databases & Sheets > , grant access to JangoMail, and we can extract data from your sheet to be used for an email campaign. Send up to 10,000 messages a month (all at once, once a week at 2500 per campaign, etc.) for $30. Your FROM address domain needs to be a non-public domain – you can’t send as, but you can as or any other business-type domain name. This also requires DNS setup using an SPF record, a domain key, and a tracking domain if you want to use open or click tracking. Delivery setup information can be found here.

If you need to send more than 10,000 messages a month, contact Support for custom pricing.

Storage of a list within JangoMail requires being a regular paid account. If you upload a list (where JangoMail stores the list for you), your account will be moved to a regular plan and billed as such.

Note: Regular paid JangoMail accounts have free access to this feature.
